Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Flirting Body Languages In Men And Women

The flirting body language is complicated to understand and oftentimes misinterpreted. Men gives signs of flirtation in different ways compared to women. So how can you tell if someone is already flirting with you? Does she like me? Is he interested in me? This article discusses facts and tips on determining flirting signals.

Men's Flirting Signals

There are five standard body signals that a man is flirting: eye contact, raising the eyebrows, giving the masculine impression, touching self, and leaning towards you.

The first sign of attraction a man would give you is catching your eye. But if he passes on to another person and doesn't look back at you, it means that he is not interested. However, if he glimpses at you, looks away, and then back at you again, it is a very clear indication that he is attracted to you. Sometimes, eye contact would not mean anything. But if it lasts longer, it means something indeed is running in his mind and you are involved. The second signal, raising the eyebrow is not a very strong indication and is most of the time done unconsciously. It often means that he finds you interesting or sexy.

The third flirting sign is that men would square his shoulders and try to stand tall and straight. When sitting, his feet and legs will be apart. A man would also tend to hook his thumbs over his belt. These actions would show and emphasize his masculinity, with hopes that he would acquire that admiration from you.

Lastly, a man attracted to you would try to get closer to you or lean his body towards you. This act can be done intentionally or unconsciously.

Women's Flirting Signals

Research shows that women gives body language messages five to six times more than men. They can give many signs that she is flirting with you and they are easy to spot. The most common action is preening. A woman would tend to play, stroke or comb her hair and sometimes toss it over her shoulder. A strong flirting preening action is when a woman would involve her lips. Licking the lips, eating slowly, drinking with poise while having eye contact, and putting on lipstick can easily seduce a man.

Slowly crossing or stroking the legs is also a clear intentional flirting action by women. She would also tend too adjust her clothes to expose more skin. Playing with an object, like a glass, is a sign that she likes you. But make sure she is looking at you while doing it, otherwise it would mean that she is not interested.

“Yes, I like You”

The general signs saying that he or she is indeed interested with you include smiling, longer eye contact, preening, licking the lips, raising the eyebrows, playing with the hair, looking away and then back again, leaning towards you, head slightly tilted, mirroring your actions, good posture, frequent nodding, laughing, and many more. If you spot these signs, then it would be a great time to move a step further.

“No, I'm Really Not Interested”

How would you know if that quick glance did not mean anything and a connection is not happening? Watch out for these body language signals: looking away and not looking back, looking at other people, slouching, sighing loudly, passive expression, playing an object with her fingers without looking at you while you talk, dull eyes, crossing the arms, and the like.

Body language is truly a strong reinforcement of messages especially during flirting, seduction, and dating. Each one may have different ways to express their desires, but most of these actions have general meanings that are easy to decipher and learn.

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